Spiritual Insights Offered (13)

Created on: 28 Jan 2011
I pulled the picture out and looked at it again puzzled about why I kept coming back to it. Several of my photographs draw me back to them this way. They are like messages sealed in a bottle bobbing up and down on the water. I get intriguing glimpses of the message folded up and sealed inside. Again and again I wonder what I should find hidden in these images.
The image in The Journey Within originally fascinated me because the picture I saw the water was a more interesting than image the above the water. Now, I have a growing realization: water stands for feelings. This picture was taken around the time of the birth of our second daughter. From today’s perspective I believe it represents the emotional journey I and others embark on when we bring children into our lives.
Our invitation to follow the LIGHT leaves to us the decision as to whether we follow it. We don’t know the specifics of what lies ahead on that path. Is it the road that I followed in response to the invitation or is it the road not taken? Sometimes I think I did follow the invitation. At other times I not sure. [The Road Not Taken]
When I began photographing the Clarkson Homestead we had recently moved back to Colorado. As a third generation Colorado native, my interest in roots and family history was reawakened. A flower blossoming from a stone in this dilapidated house expresses Newfound Inner Strength. It is also an image that came about after my first year in Education for Ministry (EfM).
Curiosity about myself like the interest most of us have about ourselves is what I believe impels me to return to these images and explore their meaning. Because many of the images were made half a lifetime ago, my curiosity about them could also be the wonderings of my age mixed in with my EfM experience. I am certain that the images in this series are signposts from various times in my life. Each one of them a message to me about my life.
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